World Census 2022



1- Collections and closing of the census. 

1.1- From Sunday 1 May to Sunday 5 June, collection of collection contributions.

1.2- Until Sunday 5 June, there is time for each new member to register in the network. Although registration as a member is permanently open, all new members who have registered by midnight on 5 June will be considered as valid.

2- Steps and dates for the configuration of the new List of full members.

2.1 Between Sunday 5 June and Tuesday 7 June, the ICT distributes the lists of all registered adherent members, sending these lists to the National Teams and Promotion Teams, so that they can check if all the new members that the NCTs have on their ALTA lists are the same as those registered on the website.

2.2 Until Sunday 19 June. The national coordination team in each country prepare their lists to send to the ICT, according to the following:

A: In cases where there are changes since the last census:

• From the national teams, the lists of full members to be removed are prepared. The list of members shall contain the NAME OF THE USER in each case.

• A further list of all new full members to be added (additions) will be drawn up. The list of members will contain the NAME OF THE USER in each case.

Whether at national level, there are National Coordination Teams, Teams in Formation or Promoter Teams, these teams will take care to check the following BEFORE sending their lists to the ICT.

a.1). That the new members on their ALTA list are currently registered in the network (compare with the list of adherents sent to them by the ICT).

a.2). That the NAME OF THE USER is included in each case in their listings.

a.3). That the email addresses in each case are correct and in use by the respective member.

B. In cases where there have been no modifications since the last census:

In this case National Teams, Teams in Formation and/or Promotion Teams must send a confirmation to the ICT stating that there have been no modifications with respect to the last census (census 2021).

b.1 Until Sunday 26 June, the ICT updates the register and on that day sends the new lists to the National Coordination Teams, Teams in Formation and/or Promoting Teams.

b.2 Until Sunday 3 July, the National Coordination Teams, Teams in Formation and/or Promotion Teams corroborate that the new updates sent by the ICT are correct.

To consult the new census the route to follow is as follows: >Username>Password>  Network login>Members>List of Members>Select Country>Member Status: Full Member.

If there are abnormalities these are reported to the ICT.

The 2022 Census will be finalised on Monday 4th July.

3. Elections

3.1 The date for self-nominations begins on Monday 4th July and ends on Sunday 24th July 2022 at 24hs PdV.

3.2 Elections will be held on Friday 29th, Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st July 2022. The Election begins at 00.00 (PdV) on the 29th and ends on the 31st at 24.00 (PdV).

4. End of the period and start of the new ICT.

On Sunday 7th of August at 12:00 pm in Punta de Vacas there will be a meeting via zoom, between the outgoing ICT and the ICT that starts its functions.

ICT April 2022